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Presently, I am working on the integration of large-scale ecosystem models with remote sensing to aid in the development of Earth Observation missions. 


My background is in ecological and biogeochemical dynamics across multiple scales and how these fields can be advanced using the science and technologies of remote sensing. My past research has been primarily focused on tropical forests and semi-arid grasslands and savannas.




Grassland-Woodland Dynamics

I am interested in the competitive dynamics between ecosystems co-dominated by both herbaceous and tree species and how these systems will respond to future changes. Particularly, I am curious about the mechanisms behind recent woody plant expansion and how that influences ecosystem function and biogeochemical cycling. I am currently exploring these dynamics across the Northern Great Plains of North America

Recent Trends in Vegetative Greening

I am curious about the global changes in vegetative productivity, particularly with respect to grassland ecosystems. My particular focus surrounds what is driving these changes and how these changes in vegetative productivity influence ecosystem biogeochemistry and function.

Tropical Forest Dynamics

I am interested in tropical forest demographics and dynamics, particularly with respect to biogeochemical changes. In particular, the degree to which N-fixers influence these tropical forests has been of interest to me. Whether nitrogen fixers positively influences dynamics via increased nitrogen supply or negatively via competitive abilities is a fascinating and open question. I currently examine these questions using a 30-year, 28,000 stem data set from Trinidad.

2012 - 2016

Loyola Marymount University

B.S. in Civil Engineering with Environmental Emphasis; minor in Applied Mathematics.

2016 - 2022

Montana State University

Ph.D. in Ecology and Environmental Science


Instructor of Introductory and Advanced Remote Sensing

Spring 2021, 2022

Montana State University

GPHY 426, 429R; LRES 525


Imaging Spectroscopy and Global Modeling

Currently, I am working on linking a dynamic global vegetation model with a radiative transfer model in order to estimate hyperspectral reflectance spectra across the globe. This work is part of the NASA Surface Biology and Geology mission which plans to launch a hyperspectral imager into low earth orbit by 2028 in order to better inform Earth Observation. Current modeling exercises are necessary to examine and prototype future research and Earth Observation products and possibilities.

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